
Invited seminar

2018 – Vogelweith, F. Understanding the importance of defense strategies for the protection and conservation of pollinator. University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

2018 – Vogelweith, F. Insertion des méthodes de biocontrôle dans les systèmes de culture. Espace Vinci, Paris, France.

2018 – Vogelweith, F. Understanding the importance of insect defenses in population regulation for the biological control of invasive species. CABI Switzerland, Délemont, Switzerland.

2016 – Vogelweith, F. Importance of maternal care on immunity in an insect with facultative family life. Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.

2016 – Vogelweith, F., Foitzik, S. & Meunier, J. Importance of maternal care on personal immunity in an insect with facultative family life. Institute of Zoology and Evolution, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany.

2014 – Vogelweith, F., Moret, Y., Thiéry, D. & Moreau, J. Influence of grape variety on ability of European grapevine moth to defend against bio-aggressors. Institute of Zoology and Evolution, Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany.

2013 – Vogelweith, F. Benzoxazinoids-mediated resistance to entomopathogenic nematodes in Diabrotica sp. Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Biochemistry department, Jena, Germany.

2010 – Vogelweith, F. Immune system of Grapevine Moth (Lobesia botrana and Eupoecilia ambiguella) and implications in biological control. UMR 1065 INRA Santé Végétale, Département INRA Santé des Plantes Environnement, Villenave d’Ornon, France.

Conferences with selection committees (as speaker only)

Vogelweith, F. Mating disruption: does the number of dispensers per hectare matter to control the European grapevine moth? Pherofruits 2022, OIBC/WPRS (Girona, Spain).

Vogelweith, F., Foitzik, S. & Meunier, J. Aging and immunity: does it depends on gender, mating and social environment in a group-living earwig? IMMUNINV 2017 (Lyon, France).

Vogelweith, F., Foitzik, S. & Meunier, J. Importance of maternal care on personal immunity in an insect with facultative family life. Institute of Zoology and Evolution, Johannes Gutenberg Universität (Mainz, Germany).

Vogelweith, F., Körner, M., Foitzik, S. & Meunier, J. Short- and long-term effects of maternal care on offspring personal immunity in earwigs. 18ème Colloque Biologie de l’Insecte, CBI 2016 (Tours, France).

Vogelweith, F., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Which processes shape grapevine moth immune response against parasitism? 15th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships, SIP 2014 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland).

Vogelweith, F., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Resistance of grape pests to their natural enemies. ISVV – International Scientific Council 2014 (Villenave d’Ornon, France).

Vogelweith, F., Moret, Y., Thiéry, D. & Moreau, J. Influence du cépage de vigne sur l’immunité des vers de la grappe. Journées doctorants/post-doctorants 2014 (Villenave d’Ornon, France).

Vogelweith, F., Moreau, J, Thiéry, D. & Moret, Y. Food-mediated modulation of immunity in a phytophagous insect: an effect of nutrition rather than parasitic contamination. IMMUNINV 2014 (Dijon, France).

Vogelweith, F., Desvignes, E., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Succès de parasitisme & immunité des phytophages : effet plastique ou « adaptation locale ». Colloque IMMUNINV 2012 (Perpignan, France).

Vogelweith, F., Dourneau, M., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Influence de la plante hôte sur le système immunitaire d’un ravageur de la vigne – Relation entre parasitisme et système immunitaire. Réseau Ecologie des Interactions Durables 2012 (Rennes, France).

Vogelweith, F., Dourneau, M., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Should Grape moth larval immunity be considered to explain resistance against natural enemies? OIBC/WPRS Meeting 2011 (Lacanau, France).

Vogelweith, F., Dourneau, M., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Influence de la plante hôte sur le système immunitaire d’un ravageur de la vigne, corrélation entre parasitisme et système immunitaire. Colloque le Petit Poids Déridé 2011 (Toulouse, France).

Vogelweith, F., Quaglietti, B., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Effet de la plante hôte sur les capacités immunitaires de la Cochylis de la vigne (Eupoecilia ambiguella). Colloque IMMUNINV 2011 (Sophia Antipolis, France).


Moreau, J., Thiéry, D. & Vogelweith, F. To resist or to avoid? A question asked to caterpillars facing a parasitoid threat. IEIC5 2017 (Kyoto, Japan). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F., Körner, M., Foitzik, S. & Meunier, J. Age, pathogen exposure, but not maternal care shape offspring immunity in an insect with facultative family life. ESEB 2017 (Groningen, The Netherland). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F. Kramer, J. & Meunier, J. Do juveniles prophylactically increase their immune response in presence of an infected sibling? IUSSI 2016 (Helsinki, Finland). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F. & Thiéry, D. Some cover cropping effects on grape diseases and leaf insects. OIBC/WPRS Meeting 2015 (Vienna, Austria). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Which processes shape grapevine moth immune response against parasitism? XIV Congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology 2013 (Lisbonne, Portugal). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Varier l’immunité par les plantes. Colloque FJC 2011 (Dijon, France). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F., Quaglietti, B., Thiéry, D., Moret, Y. & Moreau, J. Effet de la qualité de la plante hôte sur le système immunitaire d’un phytophage ravageur de la vigne, Eupoecilia ambiguella. Colloque Ecologie 2010 (Montpellier, France). [pdf]

Vogelweith, F. Étude Comparative de la Tolérance au Délai lors d’un Echange de Nourriture chez deux Espèces de Macaques (Macaca tonkeana & M. fascicularis). Teaching unit 2008 (Nancy, France).

Robert, C., Gelhaye, M., Legrand-Frossi, C., Lignot, J-H., Voinot, F., Vogelweith, F. & Trabalon, M. Morphologie et fonction des sensilles de Brachipelma albopilosa. Fête de la Science 2007 (Nancy, France).